Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hello Internet!

... or at least people who may possibly use the internet to read this. And if you have, thank you!

So as this is the first post on our blog I feel I should probably tell you about the two people who are going to be blogging here.

First of all, there is Laura K, sometimes known as LadyKilljoy on twitter. She lives in the US and loves to read, obviously and I'm going to let her tell you more about herself the next time she posts!

And then there is me, Laura H. Yes we're both called Laura. I live in Australia and read way too much for the good of my studies. I'm a high school student who puts off homework that was due a few days ago to read my favourite book that I've already read twenty times again. I specifically love YA books and am a bit of a closet romantic.

We hope to be able to post our thoughts on the books we read her and hear what anyone else has to say in return!

Laura H

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