Now, I'm not really into the whole hyped up book-movie thing, but I remember my favorite school librarian recommending The Hunger Games to me a while back before a huge deal was made. So I bought the books, I had them around, and all of the sudden "TEAM PEETA" and "TEAM GALE" T-shirts are popping up everywhere. The commercials and the excessive blog posts made me interested again, so I plucked the book off my shelf. So, now that it had finally been de-shelved, it sat on my desk.
Time goes by, I hear about it all over and finally decide, IT IS TIME TO READ IT. Then I realize- Oh crap, I only have 24-hours until the midnight premiere. I have never read a book so fast in my entire life. I finished this book in one day with 30minutes to spare before the movie hit the theatre.
Aside from all the movie hype, the book was absolutely AMAZING. The Hunger Games completely captured my attention when I was reading it, I stayed up til at least 1:30am to read it. The plot was well thought up, and the set of characters I will never forget.
Now. The question you have all been waiting for: Team Peeta, or Team Gale?
I'm going to sound like such an idiot when I say this. But when I was reading the book, I always had a haunting feeling that I liked Gale. But as the movie pictures started popping up and I took a second look, I realized that Team Peeta was defiantly the right choice.
I plan on reading Catching Fire in the same way I read The Hunger Games: Lots and lots of coffee, and little social interaction. (Wait a minute, there was no social interaction to begin with what am I talking about?)
Signing out from America,
Laura Kay~